october review

October 2020 Dividend Income Review

Welcome back to my monthly dividend Investing review where I will analyze my dividend Income for October 2020.

Keeping track of my monthly dividend income is a great way to keep focused on my Finacial freedom goals. I have set myself a target of covering all my current expenses with dividend income and I am on track to achieve this goal within the next 12 years. Read here to find out why I choose Dividend growth Investing as my main investment vehicle.

Hope you enjoy it and feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions!

Dividend Investing

We are in the home straight of 2020 and October was another good month for the freedom fund. 13 companies deposited dividends into my account for a total of $99.26. This is an 81% increase from the year previous.

October dividend income
October Income

Seeing this growth each month, keeps me motivated and on track to reach my investment goals.

Dividend Raises

I had 5 dividend raises in total while both Glanbia and OMC remained unchanged. You can really start to see the impact of COVID as the increases and mainly below 3% with the biggest raises coming from Pepsi.

October dividend raises
October dividend raises

Dividend Chart

The Chart below shows the Dividends I received in 2019 in Red.


The Blue is what I have received so far this year. The projected income is $1,621.69 assuming that there are no dividend cuts and I add no more cash to my investments. This is roughly €1386 at current fx rates.

In Reality, I will be continuing to add €1250 which will bring in roughly €37 in forward income each month.

October dividend chart
Dividend Chart

October Purchases

For those of you who listen to our podcast, (Dividend Talk) you will be aware that I am currently reshaping my portfolio and reducing the number of companies I own.

All of the purchases I have made below are to existing positions that I own with the exception of Intel.

October purchases

I recently wrote an Article on both $RDS and $INTC so it will be no surprise to see both of these included.

I bought 12 shares of RDS which brings my position up to 70 shares. This is roughly 12% of the total amount that I am willing to invest in a teir 3 company. I will continue to add to them for the remainder of the year.

I bought 60 shares of Intel which is 15% of my desired allocation and 5% of my total portfolio. In hindsight, I could have got them a lot cheaper if I waiting until the latest earnings results but I was happy with the price I paid at the time.

Danone makes a regular appearance on our podcast and Johnson and Johnson is one of those companies that you just buy like clockwork. Both of these along with Microsoft are Tier 1 companies and I will be adding to them also before the end of the year.


Recently I found out that you can create your own ETF (pie) on Trading 212 which is a really interesting feature. They even went one step further and allow you to turn on an auto invest feature that will deposit and invest your money in your pie automatically each month.

As an automation engineer, I love anything that is automated, I also love PI (maths geek) so this is a match made in heaven. I have set up a Pie with my top 32 stocks and as you can see below It is estimated to earn 11.58% on average before TAX.


f you haven’t used Trading 212 and are curious then check it out with my refer a friend link. We will both get one free share www.trading212.com/invite/GIgnCTJo

Hope you enjoyed this review, If you did, please consider joining my community by signing up for my mailing list. I will keep you up to date with my investments and provide more analysis.

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I also Co-host a podcast called Dividend talk where I chat with European DGI about Dividend growth Investing. Feel free to listen to our latest episode below.

Thanks for reading and happy Investing!

Disclaimer - Engineer my Freedom is not a licensed or registered investment adviser or broker/dealer. We are not providing you with individual investment advice on this site. Please consult with a licensed investment professional before you invest your money. This site is for entertainment, informational, and educational use only. Any opinion expressed on the site here and elsewhere on the internet is not a form of investment advice provided to you. We use information, data, and sources in the articles we believe to be correct at the time of writing them, but there is no guarantee of their accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correctness. We are not liable for any losses suffered by any party because of information published on this site or elsewhere on the internet. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. By reading this site or subscribing to it, you agree that you are solely responsible for making investment decisions in connection with your funds.

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